MMA Manager Wiki
MMA Manager Wiki

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Prey Studios
Prey Studios
Android, iOS
Release date
2019 December 15 (early access)
Single and multiplayer

MMA Manager is a sports manager in development by Prey studios and to be published by Prey studios.

In MMA Manager you take on the role of building a gym full of fighters. Train them in disciplines that you see fit and watch them punch, kick and wrestle their way to the top! Facing a difficult opponent? Change your tactics to counter his style! Are you missing cash to buy that shiny bench press? Increase your gym’s prestige level to attract more and better paying members!

Strive to be number one! Come join the fight!

~ from the Google Play store


Promotional images[]

System requirements[]

  • iOS devices: iOS 8 or later
  • Android devices: minimum Android version varies depending on the specific device

Game support[]

MMA Manager Wiki is focused on creating the definitive guide to MMA Manager. But while we make an effort to be complete, which may include game bugs and fixes for them, we are not an official game support channel.

Official game support is available from Prey Studios here.

See also[]

External links[]