Equipment in MMA Manager consists of items that a manager can place in his or her gym, with items generating prestige and most being used in training of fighters.
Equipment is found in the Shop. They usually cost cash to buy, and selling will give back only a small portion of its original value. To be of any use, the Equipment must be placed in your Gym. A faulty placement will give an indication. This can also cause other items in your Gym to be unavailable for training and access.
Time Reduction[]
The Training speed bonus makes your training's complete faster.
The Prestige gain shows how much Prestige your Items generate per hour. You can collect the Prestige at any time. Items cannot hold more than their Max Prestige, halting any additional storing of Prestige. Keep collecting so you don't lose any Prestige due to the items' cap. Reputation increases over time as you keep increasing it with Prestige. Items that aren't accessible or not placed in the Gym do not generate Prestige.
Training's Allowed[]
Items have certain training's they allow in MMA Manager. When acquiring a Trainer and Items , make sure they share training types.
Equipment types[]
Strength Equipment
This type of equipment, as the name suggests, is for strength training.
Bench Press
Cable cross
Leg press
Bag Equipment
A type of equipment mostly used for training striking-type skills like punches and kicks as opposed to grappling abilities. Some are useful for training agility and conditioning as well.
Punching Bag
Uppercut Bag
Free Standing Dummy
Kick Bag
Speed Bag
Misc Equipment
Mostly equipment not used for training, but includes some items for training of grappling-type skills such as take-downs and clinch work.
Bench and Sofa's
TV set & misc
Fighting rings that take up a lot of space and which can be used to train a variety of skills.
Panel Cage
Exercise machines used to train conditioning.
Rowing machine
Training Bike
Battling Rope
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